

Wireless Coffee Gadget je jednostavan uređaj namijenjen programerima, studentima igara i svima koji vole da im vruća pića budu topla čak i nakon nekoliko sati. Namjerava korisnicima iz cijelog svijeta pružiti lagan i zabavan način na koji vam pomaže da se riješite stresa, tijekom dana i ponovno se vratite sretnijim vibracijama. Ovi će vam uređaj svaki gutljaj kave ili čaja napraviti kao prvi gutljaj koji ste popili dok je bio vruć, tako da necete trebati biti kao: “Ah, kava mi se opet ohladila, ali ja ću je svejedno popiti i imati uugggh hladno”. Ja mislim da samo pivo treba biti hladno, zato vas molim da podržite ovaj projekt glasanjem, jer bez vaše podrške projekt vjerojatno neće završiti na tržištu, gdje ćete ga moći dobaviti i promijeniti taj “uugggh” osjećaj u nešto bolji i time direktno ili indirektno podijeliti tu sreću s drugim ljudima.

Wireless Coffee Gadget project is a simple gadget that is intended to developers, gamers students and everyone who likes to have their hot beverages hot even after a few hours. Intends to provide users around the world with an easy and fun mindfulness practice that helps you get rid of stress over the day and tune into the happier vibes again. These device will make your every sip of coffee or tee like the first sip you took while it was hot so that you will not need to be like: “Ah my coffee did get cold cold again, but I will drink it and be uugggh it cold” I think that only beer should be cold, so please support these project by voting as, without your support, project will likely not end up on the market, where you will be able to get it and change that “uugggh” feeling to something better and share that happiness with other people.