

Jury Award Croatia 2021

UniCompoST razvija uređaje koji kombiniraju biološku obradu otpada na mjestu nastanka i indoor vrtlarenje. Kao rezultat toga nastao je proizvod “C-Eco for Home” – mali i kompaktni uređaj, edukativnog karaktera, koji korisnike na praktičan i zanimljiv način uvodi u svijet gospodarenja biootpadom, kružnog gospodarstva i održivog razvoja. Upotrebom uređaja korisnik obrađuje biootpad na ispravan način, proizvodi kvalitetno organsko gnojivo koje koristi u indoor ugoju bilja, uzgaja bilje i konzumira plodove, a ostatke ponovno biološki obrađuje i na taj način zatvara kruženje tvari bez štetnog utjecaja na okoliš. Cilj je korisnike educirati i pripremiti za nove tehnologije i trendove u sustavu gospodarenja otpadom. S obzirom na navedeno, ciljani korisnici su obitelji, kućanstva i obrazovne ustanove na svim razinama. Uz uređaj dolazi i edukacijska platforma “UniCompoST Učionica”, specijalizirana u području zaštite okoliša, gospodarenja otpadom, kružnog gospodarstva i održivog razvoja.

UniCompoST is developing devices that combine on-site biological waste treatment and indoor gardening. As a result, the product “C-Eco for Home” was created – a small and compact, educational device, which introduces users in a practical and interesting way to the world of biowaste management, circular economy and sustainable development. Using the device, the user treats biowaste in the right way, produces quality organic fertilizer that is used in indoor plants, grows plants, consumes fruits, and re-treats the remains biologically and thus closes the circulation of substances without harmful effects on the environment. The goal is to educate and prepare users for new technologies and trends in the waste management system. Given the above, the target beneficiaries are families, households and educational institutions at all levels. The device is accompanied by the educational platform “UniCompoST Učionica”, specialized in the field of environmental protection, waste management, circular economy and sustainable development.