
  • Radionica: Poslovno planiranje

    Otprilike imaš ideju čime će se tvoje poduzeće baviti, tko će kupovati proizvode/usluge te kako ćeš doći do prijeko potrebnih prihoda? Međutim, da bi znao/la kako to i ostvariti, potreban […]

  • Radionica: Poslovno modeliranje

    Can you in 5 minutes explain what your project / business idea is? Would you be able to explain the rationale how your idea, if it were successful, make a difference? people joining this workshop should be able to answer those questions and more.

  • Radionica: Generiranje ideja

    Generiranje ideje je početak, prvi korak, kojime se započinje poduzetnički proces. To znači da je generiranje ideje temelj, koji mora biti dovoljno čvrst, kako bi se proces mogao nastaviti dalje. […]

  • Social Impact Award Kick Off i Uvod u društveno poduzetništvo

    SIA invites you to a special kick off event where you will understand the Social Impact Award in detail, hear stories of inspiring social entrepreneurs and have meaningful conversation with them and other participants. We also expect that the attendees understand that social entrepreneurship is a very real concept and an interesting opportunity.