Dođite na “Upoznaj žiri”
Upoznaj žiri događaj je na kojem svi zainteresirani mogu u opuštenoj atmosferi, samo 5 dana prije roka predaje prijava za Social Impact Award, porazgovarati s članovima žirija, čuti vrijedne povratne […]
Upoznaj žiri događaj je na kojem svi zainteresirani mogu u opuštenoj atmosferi, samo 5 dana prije roka predaje prijava za Social Impact Award, porazgovarati s članovima žirija, čuti vrijedne povratne informacije i umrežiti se.
Imaš li poduzetničku ideju koja može promijeniti svijet na bolje, imaš tim u kojem je min 50% studenata, natječi se i osvoji vrijedne nagrade: 1 500 EUR, članstvo i mentorstvo Impact Huba Zagreb te put u Beč na međunarodne konferencije pobjednika natjecanja iz 8 zemalja srednje i istočne Europe!
A prije toga, upoznaj žiri – predstavljamo ti njih 7 koji će među finalistima birati pobjednike i s kojima možeš i uživo porazgovarati 10. travnja u 18 h u Impact Hubu Zagreb (Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 6, Zagreb).
Rezerviraj svoju ulaznicu na ovdje i pokreni svoju poduzetničku karijeru!
Stručni žiri Social Impact Award 2014 Croatia
Andreja is the regional Sustainability Manager, responsible for financial sustainability of the CEE region. Until 2013 she held the position of Enterprise Development Manager and was responsible for overseeing and managing planning, implementation, and evaluation of NESsT’s Portfolio in Croatia. Prior to joining NESsT, Andreja worked for five years at the Academy for Educational Development (AED) where she was responsible for managing a variety of small grants for various NGOs. She also worked on several EU projects, as an Evaluator for PHARE 2005 and 2006, as well as a Consultant in the field of Vocational Education. In addition, she worked for a year as an advocate of Children’s Rights.
Manager and co-founder of Regional foundation for local development ZAMAH. Twenty years of experience gained in international organizations where he worked on development programs for entrepreneurship, small businesses and community development (World Bank development projects and modernization of cooperatives in Croatia, Catholic Relief Services: innovative ways to help in return for dairy development, etc.). He participated in the beginnings of corporate social responsibility in Croatian business sector and in recent years he engaged himself in development of entrepreneurial philanthropy in Croatia.
Gordana is lecturer of Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics at the University of Applied Sciences VERN’ and owner of consultancy company for business services, consulting and training programs. As a holder of elective course Start-up entrepreneurship and mentor to several start-up events, she gained experience in starting, performance evaluation and developing of entrepreneurial projects in business and non-governmental sector. She conducts evaluations and organizational capacity assessments of non-governmental organisations and non-for-profit institutions and assists in strategic and operational planning, with emphasis on social innovation and social impact.
Martina Ferk is Head of Developmentand International Cooperation at MADI Group, President of MADI South East Europe and Director of M.A.D.I. Croatia Ltd. Martina is a consulant an university lecturer and trainer, with extensive experience in project management, both in education and business. She focuses on entrepreneurial learning and mentoring entrepreneurs with a cause.
Expert facilitator and trainer with over ten years of experience in the field of organizational leadership. A co-founder of Impact Hub and manager of special projects, she is also owner of Sesti Oblik, a platform for transformational changes and Business Development Manager at ITO United Change.
Currently Head of Middle Office at PBZ Invest, Srdjan is experienced in risk management and finances having him specialized in taking on unusual challenges that won’t easily fit anybody’s job description. He is also funding director of the consultancy company Adriatic Advisors ltd.
Vlatka Petrović was part of the team that established the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) at the University of Zagreb and continues to develop initiatives in support of innovation. She has comprehensive experience in assessing commercial potential of early stage technologies and business projects, managing intellectual property and in negotiating commercialisation agreements. Since 2011 she has served as the TTO Head, managing the team consisting of technology transfer professionals and intellectual property specialists. Prior to becoming involved in technology transfer she worked in research and obtained a PhD in molecular genetics.